
Friday, 21 January 2011

Just a sentence today? Okay...a little bit more...

Last night I slipped outside as the clock struck twelve in my pajamas. I left my fluffy slippers on the doorstep and let the soft dewy grass blades slip between my toes as I ran silently down to the back of the garden. The moon was high in the sky and the garden was lit just well enough that I fancied we might all have a barbecue in this dim light. Wouldn't that be lovely? A moonlit artificial lights...we could even wear our swimwear and go moon bathing!

I looked for white and yellow eyes in the bushes and high in the trees, I listened for the night time sounds. Croaks and squeals and the wind lightly rushing through the dark blue leaves. I crouched down on all fours and hopped along like a frog, hop, hop, hop, jumping from one paving slap to the next. As I did my eyes darted under the hedgerows looking for potential hob goblins and foxes.

Suddenly I caught a stare. Two small orbs floated in the dark. Then they blinked and disappeared and there was a crash through the undergrowth as it fled. I wanted to know and see what they saw...I wanted them to share their secrets...

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